Small Business

Bookkeeping & Payroll Services


  • Books

    We will track your cash flow and reconcile your accounts so your books stay current and desk stays clean.

  • Audits

    We can generate reports for loan applications, business plans, investor perspectives, and tax audits.

  • Analysis

    Organizing your finances is our specialty. We can pay your bills, process paperwork, and keep you on budget.

why work with me?

 Does any of this sound familiar?

  • Your problem isn't making money; your problem is not having any. We can break down what's coming in and what's going out to give you a clear picture of where it's all going so you can get

  • You are overwhelmed and underpaid. We'll help you move from over-your-head to organized.

  • You have no time to build necessary business relationships because you're too busy building paper castles. We take care of the paperwork so you can take care of the people.

  • The last thing you need is to deal with another human being. We are flexible in how and when you like to communicate. Email, Zoom, in-person, phone, text, or any networking program you prefer. We’ve got you covered.

  • You are a control freak. While we are not psychologists, we understand how hard it is to let go of a thread more less an entire rein. Keep control as we gently guide you through our process and ease your transitional worries.

Let’s connect and get your small business operating at its maximum potential.

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